Steam turbines

Steam turbines, turbogenerators, power units

Steam turbines

Steam turbine is a turbine in which water vapor, obtained by heating water in steam boilers, is used as a working fluid. A steam turbine is one of the elements of a steam turbine unit (STU).

A steam turbine consists of two main parts. The rotor with blades is the moving part of the turbine. The stator with nozzles is the stationary part.

Based on the direction of steam flow, a distinction is made between axial steam turbines, in which the steam flow moves along the turbine axis, and radial steam turbines, in which the direction of steam flow is perpendicular, and the working blades are located parallel to the axis of rotation.

Depending on the nature of the thermal process, steam turbines are divided into 3 main groups:

  • condensing - without adjustable (pressure maintaining) steam extraction;
  • district heating - with controlled extractions;
  • turbines for special purposes.

Manufactured models of steam turbines...

Block turbogenerators

Turbogenerator is a synchronous generator connected to a steam or gas turbine. The combination of a steam or gas turbine and a turbogenerator is called a turbounit, a hydraulic turbine and a hydrogenerator is called a hydraulic unit.

The main function is to convert the internal energy of the working fluid into electrical energy through the rotation of a steam or gas turbine. The rotor rotation speed is determined by the parameters of the generator used, from tens of thousands of revolutions per minute to 1500, 3000 rpm.

Depending on the cooling system, turbogenerators are divided into several types: air-cooled, oil-cooled, hydrogen-cooled and water-cooled.

Turbogenerators are a rather complex type of electrical units that combine:

  • problems with power;
  • electromagnetic characteristics;
  • dimensions;
  • cooling and heating;
  • static and dynamic strength.

Available models of turbogenerators...

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